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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Swimming at Olcott Beach and Camp Kenan Beach are both currently off limits, according to the Niagara County Health Department.

While the beach at Olcott is open, the waters are not. Beaches are posted unsafe to swim or closed for a variety of reasons including when water tests show unacceptable levels of E. Coli bacteria present, there is floating debris, oil, excessive weed growth, bad odors and general turbidity.

Swimming in these waters could cause infections of the ear, eye, nose throat and skin as well as cause diarrhea if the water is ingested, according to the Health Department's website.

The Niagara County Department of Health test beaches and bathing areas within Niagara County weekly throughout the summer to determine if the water quality can cause a health risk.

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  1. Yet this area was voted and won money for best fishing spot in US and I can't even let the water on ny skin how contradicting. This area is discusting I don't even want to launch my boat n fear of catching something how are people comfortable eating what comes outs there make s me sick

  2. Yet this area was voted and won money for best fishing spot in US and I can't even let the water on ny skin how contradicting. This area is discusting I don't even want to launch my boat n fear of catching something how are people comfortable eating what comes outs there make s me sick


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