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Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Just Say No! program will be held Saturday at the Lockport Family YMCA for 3rd-, 4th- and 5th-graders and is open to students from all area schools.

Registration will begin at 6 p.m. and program starts at 6:30 p.m. Students spend the evening playing games in the gym and Youth Lobby game room, swimming and enjoying a snack while participating in the monthly educational program.

The December educational program will be presented by Education Specialists from Northpoint Council. The Educational message shared with the students is designed to give them the knowledge and skills to make good decisions.

Students are encouraged to attend JSN! the first Saturday of each month and are recognized for attending three programs in one school year, JSN! shirts are awarded as recognition of the students choosing to spend their time wisely.

Parents are reminded to come into the YMCA building at the end of the night to pick up their child, as children are not allowed to leave without an adult escort. All students attending should bring swimsuit, towel and wear sneakers and play clothes. The fee the evening program is $1.00 and space is limited.

Just Say NO! program is sponsored by the Barge Canal Optimist Club and The Greater Lockport YMCA.

All activities are lead and supervised by members and friends of the Barge Canal Optimist Club. The Barge Canal Optimist Club is an active service organization who’s club motto is “Friend of Youth.” It has been providing the Just Say No! and other youth programs to students on the Lockport community for 24 years.

For more information about the Just Say No! program, the YMCA or The Barge Canal Optimist Club call Laurie Ferris, YMCA youth director at 434-8887 or email her at

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