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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Jennifer D'Andrea-Terreri
S.E.R.V. Niagara founder Jennifer D'Andrea-Terreri is making the leap from public service to politics, she announced tonight — seeking the First-Ward Alderman seat on the Lockport Common Council.

The 39-year-old Republican will seek cross endorsements from the Conservative and Independence parties, she announced in a press release to the media.

D’Andrea-Terreri was recently awarded the 2014 Community Support Award presented by the Lockport Business Association and was also a Congressional Medal of Honor 2015 Citizens Honor top 10 national finalist in the Service Act category.

Her announcement of candidacy follows in its entirety:

Entrepreneur and Veteran advocate Jennifer D’Andrea-Terreri is announcing her candidacy for the First Ward seat on the Lockport Common Council. She is seeking the endorsements by the Republican, Conservative and Independence parties.

The 39 year old daughter of a military family is an independent Settlement Planning Consultant and co-owns a small real estate business with her husband.  However, she is undoubtedly best known for her work as the
Founder of local not for profits “S.E.R.V. Niagara” and “Kids Breaking Free Foundation, Inc.”

S.E.R.V. NIAGARA is the first and only organization in Niagara County to provide housing exclusively to homeless Veterans, which include fully furnished apartments for Veterans and their families, as well as a therapeutic sober house for male Veterans. Both housing programs provide a uniquely structured program to support, educate, employ, empower and promote healing, all of which foster the ultimate goal of self-sufficiency and keeping families together.

“When I founded the not for profits, I had to get extremely creative in establishing a program that was self-sustaining,” D’Andrea-Terreri says. “I didn’t want the organizations to solely rely on the continued generosity of the residents and businesses in the community, nor did I want to compete with other well-deserving organizations for the same few grants out there. The solution was to find a way to be self-supporting and we accomplished that. And by doing so, we are able to fund our houses, scholarships and additional programming, and continue our work on a completely volunteer basis. 100% of our proceeds go back into the organization. No salaries are paid.”

This is just one example of how creative, lateral thinking and a fresh new prospective can change a community.

During her 15 year career as a Settlement Planning Consultant, D’Andrea-Terreri has conducted countless needs analyses, designed extremely complex life care plans and structured annuities in the negotiation and resolution of personal injury and class action lawsuits.

She is also experienced in operating within budgets to secure the sustainability of an individual’s specific needs often assigning funds in excess of millions of dollars.

With her career expertise and tremendous success in providing several “firsts” to Lockport and throughout Niagara County, D’Andrea-Terreri is now ready to harness her combined successes and be a voice for the First Ward working with the Common Council to resolve City matters and concerns.

In addition to D’Andrea-Terreri’s tireless and continued efforts in advocating for Veterans, her agenda includes Economic Vitality, Fiscal Health and Regional Promotion. “This city is faced with complex issues that require complex solutions. The first solution is not always the best one. We need to exhaust our efforts until we find the right solution,”
D’Andrea-Terreri says. “We also need to create a sustainable budget that implements alternative revenues that don’t have a disparaging impact on taxpayers; lowering taxes is a priority.”

“While no one person can solve the city’s issues, I personally believe possible solutions could be presented just by listening to the viewpoints of community residents,” D’Andrea-Terreri says. “In working with the not for profits, some our best programming came from ideas from people right here in Lockport. I know that our residents have great ideas, and I am always willing to listen. ” D’Andrea-Terreri plans on getting her feet wet by holding a community forum open to all residents of the City regardless of Ward.

D’Andrea-Terreri was recently awarded the 2014 Community Support Award presented by the Lockport Business Association and was also a Congressional Medal of Honor 2015 Citizens Honor top 10 national finalist in the Service Act category. She is a member of the Lockport Rotary, The Public Justice Foundation, Judges and Police Executive Conference of Niagara County, and NIMAC (Niagara Military Affairs Council). Jennifer is also in the Leadership Niagara ‘Best Class Ever’ Class of 2015. D’Andrea-Terreri resides on Chestnut Street, with her husband and 4 children.


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