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Monday, July 14, 2014
NYSEG says a low voltage issue at East Avenue and Elm Street is responsible for the power outage on East Main Street and East Avenue. Power is expected to be restored by 8:30 a.m. (GOOGLE MAPS SCREENSHOT)


A low voltage issue caused power problems on East Avenue and East Main Street Sunday, continuing in to this morning.

The issue at the corner of East Avenue and Elm Street caused power failures along East Main Street from Locust to Elm Street and along East Avenue from Elm Street to Washburn Street, according to the electric company, which says power should be returned to the corridor by 8:30 a.m.

The power outage includes the stoplight at the corner of Elm Street and East Avenue. The Lockport Police Department reminds drivers that the intersection should be treated as a four-way stop, however most East Avenue drivers late Sunday night and early this morning were not stopping at the intersection — possibly because they couldn't see the stop light at all. With the street lights out, the corridor has very poor visibility.

The power outage canceled the Sunday matinee of Peter Pan at the Palace Theatre. The theatre told patrons on Facebook that the tickets for Sunday's show would be honored for the 2 p.m. showing scheduled for Saturday.

"If that is not good for you call the theater 438-1130 on Monday to exchange your tickets for another night. We apologize for any inconvenience," the theatre said.

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