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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

WHEATFIELD — An employee of a Lockport business told Niagara County Sheriff's deputies this morning that his company-owned vehicle was stolen from his driveway overnight.

The complainant told patrol that he had left the 2012 Chevy Silverado — belonging to Custom Crews, 6111 Old Niagara Road — unlocked and left the keys in it. He parked it in his driveway around 9 p.m. Tuesday and when he looked this morning at 6:17 a.m., it was gone.

Patrol forwarded all information to dispatch and a NYSPIN entry was made.

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  1. Well he was pretty stupid, unlocked and keys in it. Might I sagest something else happened?

  2. Just cause keys are in it don't make it theirs douche bag loser is a thief period.
    They need a real job besides theft.


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