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Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Alderman at Large Joe O'Shaughnessy in East Niagara Radio's studio during
today's recording of "On the Record." (SCOTT LEFFLER / ENP STAFF)
Alderman at Large Joe O'Shaughnessy was in East Niagara Radio's canal-view studio at ART247 to discuss his effort to push a Common Council override of Mayor Anne McCaffrey's veto of two Council resolution passed a week ago.

O'Shaughnessy said the Council is working well together and hopes to work well with the mayor. However, he said she's wrong in her veto of their resolution and "maybe she didn't understand" what the Council had passed.

Listen to the podcast below for the entire interview with O'Shaughnessy.

Check out East Niagara Post videos on YouTube, Vine and Periscope.


  1. I agree you have a young lady upstairs that's perfect for the job,why would you go outside to hire ?

  2. The work session committee of the whole should be open, a lot of people didn't know that it's even there, and when you go you would have to stand the whole time, they should also do away with the not answering people when questions are asked, not answering makes people think you don't give a care about anything they think. Give them up to 5 to 7 min and answer them when time is up, its up, if there grandstanding just to banter, have a Sargent of arms, because this is the lowest form of Gov, but it is still a form of Gov, ask them the point if they don't have one, sit them, the city will not survive with out a good grant writer


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