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Thursday, November 5, 2015

Lockport police confiscated this marijuana from a Walnut
Street basement. (PHOTO COURTESY LPD)
Lockport Police found a large marijuana growing operation as a result of the investigation into this afternoon's shooting incident on the city's east end.

Police have still not released suspects' names, but they did release photos of the growing operation in the basement of a Walnut Street home. The homeowner may have been the intended victim of a robbery, which triggered the gunshots.

Police say the homeowner confronted the suspects, who then fired multiple shots at homeowner. A car chase followed with suspects shooting and ramming the homeowner.

Lockport Police, Niagara County Sheriff's deputies and New York State Troopers spent several hours this afternoon investigating various areas near where the shootings took place.

Multiple felony charges have been filed by LPD detectives with further charges possible.


East Niagara Post is the official media sponsor of Hockey Day in Lockport.


  1. They'll just get probation after finishing a "diversion" program. Wait for it.....

  2. Growing weed is the least of this city's problems! Let the heroin dealers walk free, the meth labs keep moving, but hey this guys got weed! GTFOH!

  3. Are you serious, growing weed is the least of this city's problems. While the meth labs and heroin dealers roam free. Get your priorities in order! How about the man who shot up 7 city blocks !! THE WEED IS NOT THE PROBLEM HERE!


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