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Thursday, September 10, 2015

Town of Niagara Police secured these items Wednesday from a Niagara
Falls man pretending to be a Homeland Security officer. (COURTESY OF
TOWN OF NIAGARA — A Niagara Falls man was arrested Wednesday, charged with impersonating a police officer at the Fashion Outlets of Niagara Falls.

According to Town of Niagara Police Chief James Suitor, Lemont A. Hughes, 45, walked into the mall shortly before 5 p.m. Wednesday dressed in black tactical assault gear with what appeared to be two holstered semi-automatic handguns strapped to each leg.

Town of Niagara Police were called to the scene, where they made contact with Hughes, who identified himself to the uniformed officers as a “Homeland Security officer.” Besides wearing the two holstered semi-automatic handguns, tactical assault gear, mace and a portable radio, he was also displaying a metal badge with the inscription of “POLICE” clipped to the front of his belt.

Upon immediately securing Mr. Hughes weapons, they were quickly determined to be rubberized replicas of semi-automatic handguns. Further investigation also determined that Mr. Hughes was not a law enforcement officer as he had claimed. He was immediately placed under arrest for first-degree criminal impersonation and false personation and transported to the Town of Niagara Police Department for processing.

Hughes was arraigned by Town of Niagara Justice James Faso and taken to Niagara County Jail where he was held on $2,000 cash or 4,000 bond.

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