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Saturday, July 11, 2015
There will be swashbucklers galore in Olcott this weekend for the annual Pirate Festival. A parade today kicked off the event. (PHOTOS BY STEPHEN M. WALLACE / CONTRIBUTOR)


OLCOTT — Thousands flocked to Olcott this afternoon for the annual Pirate Festival Parade — considered by many to be the best annual parade in East Niagara.

With much booty in the form of candy and beads — and a multitude of marchers — a good time surely had by all.

While the festival actually started Friday night, for many families, the parade is the annual kickoff.

There's more photos of the parade here (link).

Thousands annually make their way to Olcott for the Pirate Festival Parade.

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1 comment:

  1. Looks like a fun pirate festival! Wish we could have been there to join in on the activities! If ye ever need any pirate supplies, feel free to check out our shop: All the best and hope yer piratey good times continue every year!


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