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Monday, May 18, 2015

The Lockport Business Association will hold a "Business After Hours" business mixer at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the Flight of Five Winery, 2 Pine St.

The informal gathering is designed to allow Lockport-area business owners and professionals an opportunity to get together in a casual setting in hopes of spurring new partnerships and business opportunities.

"We chose evening hours on a slower business day of the week to accommodate our business community's work schedules so that owners and organization leaders can attend," said LBA President Heather Grimmer, who also serves as co-publisher and photographer for East Niagara Post.

The mixer is free of charge and available to all business owners and business professionals — even those that aren't members of the LBA.

"Non-LBA members interested in joining are welcome and can get an application to join at the mixer," Grimmer said.

While the event is designed to be informal, professionals are encouraged to bring business cards to exchange.

Future "Business After Hours" mixers are planned.


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