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Monday, May 4, 2015
By +Scott Leffler

Anne McCaffrey
The City of Lockport's summer roadwork plans include two waves of milling and paving streets beginning later this month.

The city will address eight streets during the May milling and paving schedule, including High, Chestnut, Market, Vine, Pine, Hawley and Main streets, and Davison Road. The roads will be milled down four inches and a fresh coat of asphalt will be laid to make the roads smooth, according to Mayor Anne McCaffrey.

In July, nine additional streets will be milled and paved, including Niagara, Van Buren, Ohio, Price and Willow streets, Beattie, Lincoln and Grove avenues, and Bewley Parkway.

Entire streets will not be done, but rather "the worst portions" of each street will be addressed, the mayor said. “With all of these, it’s portions of them. We’re picking the worst portions and doing them.”

If the city's budget allows, additional streets may be milled and/or paved this season. One other street that will definitely get attention is Passaic Avenue, McCaffrey said. While it will not be milled, it is scheduled for paving this season.

The paving projects are being partially paid for with state funds.

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1 comment:

  1. Lets Get A Move On It!!!!!!!!!!
    Unreal how the streets in this city is.
    Destroying my vehical


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