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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Residents in this area can drink the water again —
after flushing their water lines. (GOOGLE MAPS)
The Niagara County Dept. of Health has lifted a drinking water advisory that has been in effect in the north-west portion of Lockport for the past three days.

"We are pleased to report that sampling results have verified that the City of Lockport public drinking water supply is safe to drink," said a release issued from the Dept. of Health.

All houses on affected blocks of Corinthia Street on the north to West Ontario to the south to Prospect Street to the east to Trowbridge Street to the west were affected by this previous do not drink order.

Customers in the affected area are asked to "flush all of your water taps after removing your aerator screen, for a minimum of five minutes or until the water runs clear. It is recommended that you run your bathtub faucet initially, since it draws a large amount of water and is not screened. Your hot water tank should also be flushed for approximately ten minutes."

For more information contact the Niagara County Department of Health at 439 - 7444.

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