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Sunday, March 15, 2015

RAPIDS — A Tonawanda Creek Road woman reporting a telephone harassment found out the caller may have been trying to scam her.

The woman called the Niagara County Sheriff's Office around 12:25 p.m. Saturday to report that a man called her around noon the same day yelling at her about striking his vehicle.

"She stated the male told her that she struck his vehicle the night before and he received the note with her phone number on it that was left on his windshield," according to the NCSO report. "She stated he continued yelling at her about the damage to the rear end of his vehicle, and remembers him saying, 'Yo woman, what's wrong with you?' "

The woman told patrol that she hadn't been in an accident and decided to call police because the man couldn't be reasoned with.

She gave police the information about the caller from her caller ID, but when deputies called, the man they spoke to feigned ignorance. Patrol then called the woman to see if she could identify the man's voice, but she said the voice was not of the man that called her.

NCSO says "It appears the male disguised his phone number with (another person's) information possibly seeking to scam" the woman, adding that the incident is possibly related to other reported calls in the area involving a male making accusations of people of striking his vehicle.

Patrol advised the woman to call back if it occurs again. This investigation is closed pending new information.

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  1. Lmao...That happened to me in MD..same thing and I was like if I was the guy that hit you and left a # you should be lucky I would have left you a #..Don't be calling be with some bull story you called the wrong

  2. I received a call like that 5 yrs ago when I lived in MD ..I laughed at the guy for yelling at me..Thought to myself if I did hit you and was nice enough to leave a # on Your windshield the way he was approaching it was all wrong..I laughed at him and said I guess your beat they gave you the wrong #..and hung up...


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