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Friday, December 12, 2014

TOWN OF LOCKPORT — The mother of a 16-year-old girl called Niagara County Sheriff's deputies earlier this week after she found something alarming on her daughter's Twitter account.

The woman told patrol Sunday afternoon that an unknown person on the social media site "is soliciting females to make adult videos, go on paid shopping sprees, and go on a paid vacation to Las Vegas."

Patrol viewed the Twitter page, and observed the male soliciting females with a Buffalo call back number, although patrol did not attempt to make contact with the unknown male at the time.

The complainant said that the unknown Twitter user was suspicious because of the number of followers he has and people he is following. She said that when she started looking through the followers, she noticed that most of them appeared to be young females.

Patrol advised the woman to have her daughter block the account, and that the information will be forwarded to the investigation division.

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