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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

RAPIDS — A Mallard Drive resident told Niagara County Sheriff's deputies on Sunday that someone broke into his car.

The man said an unknown person broke the back passenger side window of his 2009 Chevrolet Impala and took his mechanic computer scanner that was on the back seat, his brown wallet that was in the center console containing his drivers license and credit cards, and the face plate of his Sony radio. It was estimated that the items and damage to the rear window totaled approximately $5,185.

The complainant said his car was locked in his driveway when he returned home around 11 p.m. Saturday. He said he went to use his car around 3 p.m. Sunday when he noticed the glass broken and the items taken. He was in the process of canceling his credit cards when police arrived on scene. It is unknown what the suspect used to break the window.

The case is closed at this time pending new information.

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