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Sunday, June 8, 2014

TOWN OF LOCKPORT — An unknown person smashed a window and broke open a cash register, doing $600 damage to steal $50 from a South Transit Road business.

Niagara County Sheriff's deputies were dispatched to Tread City Tire, 6563 South Transit Road, around 1:16 a.m. where they discovered the glass window next to the front door on the west side of the building to be smashed out.

Once the building was cleared and the owner arrived, patrol sought the help of the Crime Scene Unit to analyze several drops of blood on the floor throughout the showroom of the business.

The cash drawer behind the service desk had noticeable pry marks caused by some type of tool, along with more droplets of blood on the drawer and desk area. A screwdriver, unfamiliar to the business owner, was discovered by the point of entry on top of the alarm control pad next to the front entrance. More blood and evidence — including fingerprints — was found on a second desk in the showroom.

The business owner confirmed that approximately $50 was stolen from the cash drawer along with a check in the amount of $75.

Further investigation is pending.

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