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Saturday, January 2, 2016
Following his swearing in as county clerk, Joe Jastrzemski give s brief speech to those in attendance with his wife Kathryn Trusso Jastrzemski by his side. (PHOTOS BY SCOTT LEFFLER / ENP STAFF)

By +Scott Leffler

From left, former county clerk (and state senator) George Maziarz, Joe
Jastrzemski, and outgoing county clerk Wayne Jagow. 
With a room full of supporters -- including two generations of Niagara County Clerks -- in attendance, Joe Jastrzemski took the oath of office as Niagara County Clerk this morning at the Niagara County Courthouse.

Jastrzemski, who previously served as supervisor of the Town of Wilson for 10 years, has big shoes to fill in those of outgoing Clerk Wayne Jagow, who chose to end his career following 20 years in office.

Jagow presented Jastrzemski with a Niagara County pin during the ceremony. Also in attendance was former County Clerk George Maziarz, who served from 1989 to 1995 before becoming State Senator, a position he held through 2014 when he vacated the seat; and State Sen. Rob Ortt, who won re-election to the seat Maziarz vacated.

Others in attendance included former Niagara County Legislature Chairman Bill Ross, legislators Randy Bradt, Keith McNall and Will Collins; former Niagara County Republican Chairman Henry Wojtaszek; Town of Lockport Attorney Mike Norris; and County Treasurer Kyle Andrews.

Following the swearing-in ceremony, there was a brief reception in the rotunda.


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