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Friday, November 13, 2015

Andrew Cuomo
ALBANY -- Gov. Andrew Cuomo released a statement concerning the terrorist attacks in Paris.

Cuomo called the attacks "tragic and senseless acts of violence" and passed a long a message to the people of Paris: "New York stands with you."

He also called for vigilance on the part of New York law enforcement. and reminded New Yorkers to stay alert and report suspicious activity.

The full statement follows:
On behalf of all New Yorkers, I offer my thoughts and prayers to all those who have been affected by the attacks in Paris earlier today. These were tragic and senseless acts of violence that have claimed innocent lives and torn families apart – and my heart goes out to the loved ones of all who have been lost. As more details emerge, I want the people of Paris to know that just as the world has stood by New York in times of tragedy, today New York stands with you.

“Tonight I have directed New York State law enforcement to remain vigilant in the wake of these senseless attacks. The New York State Police, the New York State Intelligence Center and the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services are actively monitoring the situation for any implications in New York State and remain in constant communication with their local and federal partners."

New Yorkers are reminded to stay alert to their surroundings, and to report any suspicious activity. Reports can be made to:

Counter Terrorism Center at the New York State Intelligence Center
Terrorism Tip Line: 1-866-SAFENYS (1-866-723-3697)

"If You See Something, Say Something"

East Niagara Post is the official media sponsor of Hockey Day in Lockport.


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