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Sunday, August 16, 2015

Roger Sherrie
United Auto Workers Region 9 CAP Council has endorsed Roger Sherrie for the Democrat line in the Sept. 10 primary, the Sherrie camp announced on Saturday.

Sherrie said he was gratified by the support and confidence UAW has placed in him. He said he spent the “greater part of his career fighting to protect and promote the interests of the nation’s working middle class.”

Sherrie, who is also running on the Working Families Party line, retired last December after a 28-year career with the Civil Service Employees Association where he was primarily responsible for union staff that negotiate and administer contracts in over 200 Western New York cities, towns, villages and counties.

“In addition to the importance of the UAW endorsement itself, this is the second time I know of where my primary opponent and I have gone head-to-head seeking backing from a party or labor union. In both cases, I have been chosen over (fellow Democrat Mike) Pillot.” Sherrie added, “It’s risky for a party or union to endorse in a primary election because of the possibility of ending up on the wrong side. When they do endorse, it usually means one candidate clearly rates higher than the other.”

Sherrie cautioned, “This should not be viewed as any criticism of Mr. Pillot’s candidacy. Instead, it reflects what I have been saying since entering the race and that is I am the candidate with the qualifications and experience to best lead Lockport back to respectability. The UAW endorsement supports the belief that I’m the right candidate, at the right time for the right job.”

Sherrie faces Pillot in the September 10th Democrat Primary. Pillot lost elections to republican Mayor Mike Tucker in 2007 and 2011.

Pillot does have his own labor endorsement, as well. In late July, he was endorsed by Laborers' International Union of North America Local 91.

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