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Thursday, August 13, 2015
Michael Jones of Newfane was charged with marijuana possession after police noticed this plant in his back seat early this morning. Jones originally told police it was "a flower." (PHOTOS COURTESY OF LPD)


A closer look at the "flower" in the back seat of Jones' 
A 27-year-old Newfane man was charged early this morning with unlawful possession of marijuana and other charges after Lockport police noticed a strange plant in the rear seat of his vehicle.

According to LPD, Michael Jones was stopped by Officer Steve Tarnowski while he was checking cars parked on city streets after 2 a.m.

When Tarnowski asked Jones about the odd plant, Jones told the officer that it was "a flower." When further asked what kind of flower, Jones admitted the plant to be marijuana.

In addition to the possession charge, Jones was charged with unlawful growing of marijuana, third-degree aggravated unlicensed operation or a motor vehicle, and parking after 2 a.m.

As LPD states on their Facebook post related to the arrest, "Not sure if it is a good idea to drive around the city with a large marijuana plant sticking up out of the back seat of your car. Last we heard, it is still illegal."

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