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Wednesday, July 29, 2015
A West Avenue resident watches as LPD secures the scene Tuesday morning at the site of a box overflowing with an unknown substance. It turned out the substance wasn't hazardous. (PHOTOS BY STEPHEN M. WALLACE / CONTRIBUTOR)


Shredded plastic or fiberglass caused unwarranted concern.
The Lockport Streets Department and an LPD officer responded with caution Tuesday morning to a strange report of a box that fell off a truck and was spilling a white substance onto the roadway on West Avenue.

As the responders arrived around 10:48 a.m., it was difficult to make out if the overflowing contents were soap bubbles or some sort of hazardous material.

Fortunately, they learned that the box was filled with a shredded fiberglass/plastic type of material and there was no public threat.

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