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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

ALBANY — Nearly $700,000 is headed to Niagara County to help combat gun violence, according to Gov. Andrew Cuomo's office.

Of $13.3 million being allocated statewide in the state’s Gun Involved Violence Elimination (GIVE) initiative, $696,367 will be spent within the Niagara County borders, being granted to the Niagara Falls Police Department, Niagara County Sheriff’s Office, District Attorney's office and Probation Department. The funds are earmarked for hot-spot policing, focused deterrence and "crime prevention through environmental design."

Niagara County Sheriff Jim Voutour said his department will recieve $101,065 to combat gun violence by allowing for extra policing in areas known for crime.

"Everything's based on really getting guns off the street," Voutour said. "Extra patrols ... in the area of where the gun crimes are taking place."

The lion share of the funds — $439,115 — will go to the Niagara Falls Police Department, while $189,280 will go to the Niagara County District Attorney's Office and $56,907 will go to the probation department.

Voutour said that the county has received GIVE funding for years — previously under the name "Operation Impact," and while a certain degree of funding was expected, it wasn't budgeted for because "We never know how much we're going to get."

New York State created GIVE a year ago, revamping a decade-old program that provided funding to the same agencies and counties to foster the use of data analysis, intelligence and partnerships to fight crime. Under GIVE, participating agencies must build upon that framework and implement evidence-based strategies proven to reduce gun violence. Administered by the state Division of Criminal Justice Services, the initiative also provides agencies with extensive training from national experts to help them effectively implement those strategies.

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  1. 700K??? thought the "safe act" was supposed to stop this, seems to me yet again, it made it worse by taking the defenses away from the innocent.

  2. Want to put a stop to gun violence?

    Fix schools (more money isn't the answer) and change government policy/programs to encourage two parent families (married or not).

    While were waiting.

    If using a firearm in a crime.

    No reduced bail, no plea bargain, no reduced sentence, no early parole, and state mandated minimum jail time (youth or not).


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