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Saturday, March 7, 2015
Maeda Taylor talks to the crowd at Market Street Studios Friday night before a puppet production of "The Crafts." A second showing is planned for this afternoon. (PHOTOS BY HEATHER N. GRIMMER / ENP PHOTOGRAPHER)


The crowd Friday enjoyed the production of "The Crafts."
Maeda Taylor's Kuumbia-Nia Productions has a knack for taking deeply important stories and softening them for general consumption — with puppets.

That's exactly what happened with their most recent telling, "The Crafts," a story of two runaway slaves.

The performances, one Friday night and a second this afternoon, feature original music from Taylor and songs from the Underground Railroad. Assisting Taylor with the puppets is Rochelle Green, who has been with Kuumbia-Nia for four years. Chantra and Bernard Kiner are also providing voices for the puppet show.

Taylor said she got involved in puppetry while she was a stay-at-home mom. She used them to help teach her children valuable lessons and social etiquette. Now she uses them to teach Lockport.

The second showing of "The Crafts" will be presented at 1 p.m. at Market Street Studios, 247 Market St.

Taylor has other productions planned and is always looking for volunteers. Anyone interested is invited to contact her via phone at 254-0723 or email

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