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Saturday, December 6, 2014
Members of Lockport's Winter Wonderland Project entertain Sub Delicious customers with Christmas carols Friday night. (PHOTOS BY SCOTT LEFFLER / ENP STAFF)


Brandy Martucci and Pete Robinson of the Winter Wonderland Project sing
at Sub Delicious Friday night.
Members of Lockport's Winter Wonderland project took time out Friday evening to sing Christmas carols at a downtown pizzeria, to the delight of those who were there to hear.

Four members of the group sang about half a dozen songs at Sub Delicious beginning at approximately 6 p.m. After a few tunes, customers of the pizzeria joined in, singing along with the group.

Many more members of WWP are expected this afternoon for a "flash mob" at the Niagara Culinary Arts Center in Niagara Falls. The action is expected to start around 2 p.m., but those who will be singing are asked to show up around 1 o'clock.

Customers (and staff) at the Locust Street pizzeria joined in the signing Friday night. 

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