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Saturday, November 22, 2014

Patrick McGee
TOWN OF LOCKPORT — A Kinne Road man was charged shortly after midnight with driving while intoxicated on Tonawanda Creek Road.

According to the NCSO report, Patrick N. McGee, 55, 7160 Kinne Road, was seen by patrol turning from South Transit Road onto Tonawanda Creek Road and subsequently stopped.

While interviewing McGee, patrol determined him to be intoxicated.

He was taken to the Niagara County Sheriff's Office where he attempted to provide a blood alcohol level for patrol two times but failed to give an adequate sample both times, according to the report. He was asked to try a third time and declined to do so.

The report also says he demanded to have a lawyer but then declined to call one when given the opportunity.

He was held in Niagara County Jail on $250 bail and is scheduled to appear in Pendleton Town Court on Dec. 3.

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