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Friday, November 14, 2014
FMC officials say a reported fire this morning was smoke venting from a building and there is no longer any smoke. (HEATHER N. GRIMMER / ENP PHOTOGRAPHER)


MIDDLEPORT — FMC Corp. has released a statement in regards to a reported fire at its Rochester Road plant this morning. It follows below in its entirety.
At approximately 10:00 a.m. this morning, the FMC Middleport, NY agricultural products facility identified smoke coming from a vent on top of a building at the plant. Operators shut down the process and followed safety procedures by calling for outside emergency response.   There is no longer any smoke and the situation is under control and we are investigating the cause of the incident.

FMC notified the Royalton Hartland School nearby of the situation as a precautionary measure.  We understand school has resumed its schedule.

All employees and contractors are accounted for and there are no injuries in this incident.

Plant has temporarily ceased operations as we investigate the incident.

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