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Friday, November 14, 2014
Niagara County Haz-Mat teams arrive at FMC Middleport around 11 a.m. The company said emergency responders were called due to smoke coming from a vent on top of a building. (PHOTOS BY HEATHER N. GRIMMER / ENP PHOTOGRAPHER)


Fire and Haz-Mat teams line up at FMC this morning.
MIDDLEPORT — Multiple fire departments have been mobilized — as have Niagara County and Niagara Falls Air Reserve Haz-Mat teams — to a reported fire at FMC, 9985 Rochester Road.

Gasport and Hartland fire companies are reportedly at the scene. Medina, Shelby and Barker fire companies are on standby. Emergency vehicles continued to show up at the Rochester Road plant as late as 11:30 a.m. and more were still being called.

Representatives from FMC declined to comment, although a post to their Facebook page said "FMC Middleport identified smoke coming from a vent on top of a building at the plant at approximately 10 a.m. Operators shut down the process, followed safety procedures and the situation is now under control. We have notified the Royalton-Hartland School and are investigating the cause of the incident. There are no injuries."

We'll bring you more details when we get them.

NOTE: Edited at 11:18 a.m. to include "no comment" from FMC.
NOTE: Edited at 11:59 a.m. to include FMC Facebook statement and add photos from location.

Middleport and Gasport fire companies were among those called to the scene.

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