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Sunday, June 22, 2014

Anthony J. Murty IV
CAMBRIA — A Town of Lockport man was charged early Saturday morning with driving while intoxicated and other infractions after Niagara County Sheriff's deputies say he was seen speeding and moving from the lane unsafely.

Anthony J. Murty IV., 21, 4505 Lake Ave., was stopped at Ridge and Burch roads, where patrol say he had signs of intoxication and admitted to having drank alcohol prior to being pulled over.

Murty had a blood alcohol content of .22 percent, according to patrol. He was charged with speeding and driving without a valid inspection sticker in addition to DWI and moving from the lane unsafely.

He was given a Town of Cambria Court date for Wednesday taken to Niagara County Jail where a $250 bail was placed on him.

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