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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

TOWN OF LOCKPORT — A Robinson Road resident returned home early this morning to find that their Playstation gaming system, controller, and games were missing.

According to a report filed by the Niagara County Sheriff's Office, a woman told them that the Playstation 3 had been on the television stand in the living room along with a blue PS3 controller, Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 game and NBA 2K14 game. But when the woman came home, they were all missing.

There were no signs of forced entry and to the comlainant's knowledge, the apartment was locked all day while she was at work. At the time of the report, one apartment key was unaccounted for, which the woman's husband was attempting to locate. Both the complainant and her husband had a suspect in mind, whose name they gave to patrol.

Some items appeared to have been moved, according to patrol and were secured as evidence to have them checked for fingerprints. There was no other discernible evidence present in the apartment.

The case was referred to the Criminal Investigations Bureau.

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