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Thursday, December 12, 2013
CONTRIBUTED: Click to read in its entirety.
As reported earlier, Lockport police and the Lockport City School District addressed a threat today made by a student via a press release by LPD.

In addition to the press release, the school district sent a letter home to North Park Junior High School parents informing them of the situation and saying it was all under control.

Both LPD and the school district have been vague about the threat but a North Park parent told ENP that his child said a student was planning to bring a gun to school, specifically aimed at one student but with the added intention of shooting anyone that got in his way.

The letter specifically states that the school found out about the threat on Tuesday and investigated it, concluding that a real threat does not exist. It added that increased security would be implemented at the school for two weeks leading into Christmas break. It is signed by NPJHS Principal Dr. Ryan S. Schoenfeld. (read the letter in its entirety at right)

Some parents, however, aren't taking the school's word for it and have said they plan on keeping their kids home Monday.


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