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Monday, January 4, 2016

A plan released today by New York State Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo drew the ire of an organization dedicated to the advancement of the Upstate region.

Unshackle Upstate Executive Director Greg Biryla released a statement in response to Cuomo's plan to increase the minimum wage for SUNY empoyees to $15 per hour by 2018 in New York City and 2021 throughout the rest of the state, saying the proposed minimum wage hike would have dire effects on the Upstate economy.

Biryla's statement follows below in its entirety:
The reality is that Upstate New York simply can’t afford a $15 minimum wage. The small businesses and farms that power our economy will be devastated, jobs will be lost, consumer costs will skyrocket and taxes will rise. If you truly support the Upstate economy, then you can’t support this unprecedented wage mandate.

Unshackle Upstate and our partners in the Minimum Wage Reality Check campaign are committed to raising awareness about the real consequences of an unprecedented 67% minimum wage hike. The worried voices of small business owners, family farmers and taxpayers will not be ignored.

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